Welcome to the Average of the First Natural Numbers Calculator. This calculator can calculate the average of any sequence of natural numbers starting with one.
To get the average of any sequence of natural numbers starting with one, you add them up and then divide the sum by the last number in the sequence. We created a formula that can calculate the average of any sequence of natural numbers starting with one. Here is the formula to calculate the average (avg) of the first n natural numbers:
avg = ((n × (n + 1)) ÷ 2) ÷ n
Anyway, no need to get your calculator out. Simply enter the number of first natural numbers that you are interested in, and the calculator below will calculate the average of those natural numbers.
Here are some examples of questions that the Average of the First Natural Numbers Calculator can answer for you.
What is the average of the first 50 natural numbers?
What is the average of the first 4 natural numbers?
What is the average of the first 40 natural numbers?
What is the average of the first 10 natural numbers?
What is the average of the first 150 natural numbers?
What is the average of the first 99 natural numbers?
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